Our 2022 Official Board Members

Chairperson: Glen Schmidt

Lead Minister: Rev. Dr. Bob K. Fillier

Treasurer: Doug Hofstede

Secretary: Shared by board members

Pacific Mountain Region Representatives: Maria Brouwer, Rebecca Fillier

Members: Jennifer Hollands, Diane Kjorven, Susie Wilson


In addition The Board of Trusttees is comprised of our Board members plus:

Allan Reed

Elizabeth MacRitchie

Dorothy Seiter

Betty Belado

Trinity United uses a Policy & Ministry Model for overseeing the work of committees, teams, task groups, and the Vision and Mission of the congregation. All staff and groups are accountable to the congregation through the Board.

Committees and Teams

Finance, Ministry & Personnel, Mission and Service, Property, Worship, Fellowship,  Outreach, Christian Education, WonderHost, Pastoral Care, and Healing Pathway.